Monday, October 25, 2021

Wet & While

 I would have / Spread my / Sir Walter / But the puddle was / So wide / And the / Wind & rain / So persistent /  I needed my own / Cover/ But while I / Debated / She in her / Tight leggings / Her asslike / An aple in / The Tantalus  orchard/ My gallantry / Only applied to not / Head & heels / Falling...

Fluid & Art

 Sacajawea / Brought / Rain to / California /Because / I me we / On her grave / Left / A flower / And sprinkled marijuana / Wind River Reservation / Lander,Wyoming...

Monday, October 18, 2021


 Like the /Rivers / Flow / Like the / Shimmering Aspens / Glow / Like the / Quiver / Arrows / Bow / Like the / Buffalo / Like on the / Wind River Res / To know...

No Time To Die

 Double Oh No...

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Don C

 One/ Wind Turnine / On / One hill / That's a / Cristo...