Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Braw Man

Saxophones -- Like bagpipes -- Along the -- Jersey shore...


Highway 61 -- Revisited -- I never knew -- That's the road -- Out of -- Minnesota...

Sunday, June 26, 2011


One day -- Sitting on the -- Boston common -- And here comes -- Billy Bulger -- Brother of -- You know who -- Recently run to ground -- In Santa Monica -- California -- So I'm -- Shaking the hand -- Of he knew -- That -- Cain -- Was able...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Derek Jeter

One of the greats of course. Grew up with the Yankees in my blood but they're all strangers now except for the core. Jeter gets 3,000 and graciously retires,hopefully...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tree Of Life

Over-wrought. What, Terrence Malick over-wrought. Too much of too short a subject matter.. Cameras in their faces...The Science Channel meets Eugene O'Neil? They shouldn't...

Blanket Coverage

Sitting -- In the shade -- Of a weeping willow tree -- Like some living laboratory -- All sorts of bugs -- Crawling --All over me -- All manner of legs, antennas and colors -- Feeling both -- Privileged and uncomfortable...

Furay - Stills & Young

Buffalo Springfield -- Together again -- Like the truth -- Become a -- Pipe's dream...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Midnight In Paris

A bit thin, but delightful, meeting the Paris of the 20's and those artists...Adrien Brodie as Dali is Oscar stuff..Hemingway speaking as Hemingway prose...The actors unknown who inhabit the artists make you think that...Except for Kathy Bates -- too familiar to pass...Ms Cotillard like Venus among the stars...Ms Bruni and Lea Seydoux...Too beautiful.. I wasn't ,all through with the master, so I just read the review...I'm now sorry I did...To be surprised by the whole business...Curse the film critics for spilling so much...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Earth To Spain

El Bulli -- Is finished -- Like NASA -- Returning to -- The soup -- And the sandwich...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June Swoon

In this -- Arab Spring -- Of events -- Short lived -- What blooms -- In the -- Desert...

Gold Dust

Down to -- San Diego -- Through -- Death Valley -- There's always -- A paradise -- At the end of -- Every California -- Journey...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Studio 32,000

Horses -- In charcoal -- Picasso -- In -- Buffalo Robes...


Lions and bears and bison -- Oh,my -- Antelope and horses and rhinos -- And cave walls -- Of art...

Cave Of Forgotten Dreams

Don't much care for the title, but Werner Herzog takes us in, 32,000 years ago...Awe, that's all...Artists on the walls...The animals run, the animals pose... Their eyes are watching us...Who could they have been... The worship, the sharing of nature, long before what we consider religion... Torch light... Paw prints of bears & wolves...Silence and reverence..Magic & myth, reality mix...Unbroken for 20,000 years...My business card reads -- Cave Painter -- How I wish...

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Perfection? Almost. Almost a myth, but, again, the reality of how life is real. Painful and gorgeous. A triumph of art... What actors are capable of...

Win Win

Just a fine American film -- no flim, no flam -- proving once again that for all the explosions and super heroes, the smaller independents are always there to lift you up ,heartwarming and real...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011